SPM tools for preprocessing fMRI series scanned using Simultaneous MultiSlice (SMS) / MultiBand / HyperBand and Multi Echo
This toolbox is no longer acctively updated, but a new automatic SPM preprocessing including these scripts for single- and multi-echo fMRI with slice time correction, weighted echo combination and (ME-) ICA-based denoising can bbe found at https://github.com/P-VS/AutoSPM12_processing.
This toolbox is based on the SPM12 slice timing correction tool. Please make sure SPM12 (freely downloadable from https://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/) is properly installed and running in Matlab.
Installation Copy these files in a folder MEHBfmri subfolder into the SPM12/toolbox folder.
Launch the toolbox in SPMT12 -> BATCH -> SPM -> tools -> Multi echo & HyperBand.
The toolbox contains 2 subfunctions:
T2* mapping: T2* mapping per dynamic
This toolbox is written by dr. Peter Van Schuerbeek from UZ Brussel (VUB, Belgium).